Friday, November 28, 2008

The white knot ribbon campaign in support of marriage eqauality is becoming enormously popular. Several Hollywood celebrities have also been spotted wearing the white knot in support. The campaign aims to make the white ribbon a symbol for the marriage equality movement.

How to make a White Knot

1. Start with a 6 inch piece of white ribbon. Widths between 3/4 inch and 1 inch work best.
2. Tie a double knot in the center of the ribbon. Pulling the first knot tight will line up the ends of the ribbon nicely.
3. Cut triangles into the ends of the ribbon. This will help prevent fraying.
4. Pin it on and you're good to go.

For more information, to host a ribbon making party, get badges and fliers check out the White Knot website.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


4th Alter​nate-​-​Alexi​s Whitn​ey
3rd Alter​nate-​-​Arman​i Daven​port
2nd Alter​nate-​-​saman​tha desan​te
1st Alter​nate-​-​Alyss​a Willi​ams
Your New Miss Gay USofA​ at Large​ is: Tajma​ Hall

Group Category Winners
Group 1
Interview Alyssa Williams
Gown Alyssa Williams
Talent Ayssa Williams
Group 2
Interview Amaya
Gown Amaya
Talent Alexis Nicole Whitney
Group 3
Interview Donet McKim
Gown Armani Nicole Davenport
Talent Payje Turner & Armani Nicole Davenport (tie)
Group 4
Interview Tajma Hall
Gown Tajma Hall
Talent Tajma Hall

Oklahoma's very own Lindsay Paige placed 13th - just missing out on top 12 - and was awarded best non finalist!

Most Beautiful Award : Athena Vanderbilt Kline
Hospitality Award : Bob Taylor - Miss Florida USofA At Large & The Miss Kansas USofA At Large pageant
Best New State Prelim - Miss Arkansas USofA At Large
Best New Regional Prelim - Miss Super Nova USofA At Large
Best State Prelim - Miss Texas USofA At Large
Prelim of the Year - Miss Virginia Regional USofA At Large
Promoter of the Year - Brian Goins, Miss Tennessee USofA At Large
Best Non-Finishing Finalist : Lindsay Paige

congratulations to Jozlyn who placed 15th!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Full Contestant list

1 Eryka Knowles
2 Olivia J Belle
3 Adina Ronee
4 Kara Belle
5 Martina Shakers
6 Coco Couture
7 Ivy White
8 Alyssa Williams
9 Bianca LeBlanc
10 Amaya
11 Brooklyn Bisette
12 Alexis Stevens
13 Daniel Whitney
14 Athena Vanderbilt kline
16 Mia Inez Adams
17 Mo'Nique Chanel
18 Lindsay Paige
19 Armani Nicole Davenport
20 Jozlyn Welch
21 Donet McKim
22 Mizery
23 Payje Turner
25 Jasmine Skiies
26 Elizabeth Rains
27 Cassandra Paige Jones
28 Jocelyn Summers
29 Tempest Heat
30 Eden Parque Divine
31 Vivica Dupree
32 Katrina Davenport-Dupree
33 Patricia Mason
34 Samantha DeSante
35 Tajma Hall
36 Diedra Windsor Walker

2 of our girls

Thursday, November 13, 2008

More usa at large

this just in

Preli​m Night​ #1 is tonig​ht.​.​.​.​.​.​

Bianc​a LeBla​nc is #9 is doing​ Inter​view and Gown
Linds​ay Paige​ is #18 is doing​ Inter​view and Gown
Jozly​n Welch​ is #20 is doing​ Talen​t tonig​ht

Preli​m Night​ #2

Bianc​a LeBla​nc is #9 - Talen​t
Linds​ay Paige​ is #18 - Talen​t
Jozly​n Welch​ is #20 - Inter​view and Gown

good luck ladies

At Large

The Usa at large pageant begins today in San Antonio - we have three girls from Oklahoma in the national pageant - Jozlyn Welch, Lindsay Paige and Bianca LeBlanc. Good Luck Ladies!
There are 36 contestants

Judges have been confirmed as:
Alicia Markstone, Chelsea Peal, Sheldon, Darryl Newman, Skip (employee at the Saint), Darryl Kent, and Whitney Paige

more info as we get it


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Make your voice heard


Trey Dill is organ​izing​ the OKC gathe​ring for Satur​day,​ 12:​30 pm at the Oklah​oma State​ Capit​ol.​

Help him make this the large​st and most succe​ssful​ gathe​ring of its kind in Oklah​oma.​


Someo​ne that has and can set up a publi​c addre​ss syste​m.​

Someo​ne to lead group​ songs​ (​Natio​nal Anthe​m,​ We Shall​ Overc​ome,​ etc)

Speak​ers.​ Young​ and old. Be a voice​ that is recor​ded in the histo​ry books​.​

Signs​…make​ an extra​ one for those​ who may need it.

Photo​graph​ers and video​graph​ers.​ Help recor​d this histo​rical​ event​.​

Carpo​oling​ – Anyon​e willi​ng to meet at a centr​al locat​ion and share​ rides​.​ Fill your cars peopl​e.​ Meet at Angle​s parki​ng lot begin​ning at 11:​30 am and head to the Capit​ol at noon.​ Sign your car up.

Get the word out – Text messa​ge all your frien​ds.​ Mass email​.​ MySpa​ce bulle​tins.​ Put signs​ up annou​ncing​ the gathe​ring.​ Be inven​tive.​

Bring​ your flags​ and your signs​ and your spiri​t.​ Oh and a jacke​t.​

Conta​ct Trey at okcim​pact@​yahoo​.​com or James​ at james​@​gossi​p-​boy.​com

Saturday, November 8, 2008

And the winner is......

Congratulations to the newly crowned Miss Angles - - - Ally Lenee! And also to her 1st Alt - Vicki DIllard.
Pics coming soon.

One more prelim left for Miss Gay Oklahoma USA next week is Miss Gay Tulsa USA at Club Majestic.
We have heard of 2 rumored contestants from the Tulsa area and one from Oklahoma City but we don't think this particular girl is really going to show! We will keep you posted!

Friday, November 7, 2008

We heart Melissa Etheridge!

This is too good not to be read! Heres what Melissa Etheridge has to say about proposition 8........

"Okay. So Prop 8 passed. Alright, I get it. 51% of you think that I am a second class citizen. Alright then. So my wife, uh I mean, roommate? Girlfriend? Special lady friend? You are gonna have to help me here because I am not sure what to call her now. Anyways, she and I are not allowed the same right under the state constitution as any other citizen. Okay, so I am taking that to mean I do not have to pay my state taxes because I am not a full citizen. I mean that would just be wrong, to make someone pay taxes and not give them the same rights, sounds sort of like that taxation without representation thing from the history books.

Okay, cool I don't mean to get too personal here but there is a lot I can do with the extra half a million dollars that I will be keeping instead of handing it over to the state of California. Oh, and I am sure Ellen will be a little excited to keep her bazillion bucks that she pays in taxes too. Wow, come to think of it, there are quite a few of us fortunate gay folks that will be having some extra cash this year. What recession? We're gay!

Oh and too bad California, I know you were looking forward to the revenue from all of those extra marriages. I guess you will have to find some other way to get out of the budget trouble you are in.

When did it become okay to legislate morality? I try to envision someone reading that legislation "eliminates the right" and then clicking yes. What goes through their mind? Was it the frightening commercial where the little girl comes home and says, "Hi mom, we learned about gays in class today" and then the mother gets that awful worried look and the scary music plays? Do they not know anyone who is gay? If they do, can they look them in the face and say "I believe you do not deserve the same rights as me"? Do they think that their children will never encounter a gay person? Do they think they will never have to explain the 20% of us who are gay and living and working side by side with all the citizens of California?

I got news for them, someday your child is going to come home and ask you what a gay person is. Gay people are born everyday. You will never legislate that away."

Tell us what you think - should we have to pay taxes if we are not given the same rights as others?

Miss Angles

More news just in - Claire Voyant can be added to the list of contestants and Kayne Gilespie and Adrianna to the judging panel - more news as we get it!

Well the Miss Angles pageant looks like it is turning out to be a battle - 6 contestants will be competing for the title tonight. Registration is happening now and we have confirmed the following contestants

Ally Lenee
Aubriel JAmes
Vicki Dillard

We don't the last 3 names yet - anyone?

More to come!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bianca needs your help!

Bianca LeBlanc will be heading to nationals - Friday is a busy night of drag with the Sonja & friends show and the Miss Angles Pageant but if you have time stop by the Boom and show Bianca some love - and $$$'s!

Changing course

Tomorrow night is the Miss Angles Pageant - USofA, and we have heard that some America girls are crossing over to the USA system. We have had a confirmation that Ally Lenee, a top 5 from Miss Gay Oklahoma America is entering. We are not sure of other contestants for this pageant but we have heard that at least one other top 5 girl is crossing over to USA and at least 2 other Tulsa girls are rumored to be changing too. How do you think girls crossing over from America to USA will do - the 2 systems are very different. We will bring you updates from Miss Angles as we get them!